Battery managed by energy supplier
- Let’s have a look at how a home battery works, in this example without solar panels.
- Here we’re allowing the energy supplier to manage the battery, remotely, to lower your energy bills.
- The reason this system works is because energy suppliers pay different wholesale prices for their electricity, depending on the time of day.
- They pass on the price savings to us, the retail customer.
- This scheme is often known as a “time of use tariff”.
Overnight charging
At 3am in the morning, the battery will be charged using cheap energy.
Morning discharge
At 8am, everyone starts to wake up, and the battery will be used to run your home.
Daytime charging
Between midday and 4pm, the battery will be charged to have enough energy until bedtime.
Evening discharge
At 6pm you arrive home from work. The energy supplier discharges your battery to meet your demand.