Cost of renewables vs nuclear and gas

Government reports show shocking information on the relative cost of energy: Technology Price per Mwh Source Public support % Offshore wind 58 latest CfD price - 2017 79 Standard gas (CCGT) 61 BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report 16 (gas fracking) Onshore wind 65 BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report  74 Large scale solar 71 [...]

By |2017-11-28T18:46:46+00:00November 22nd, 2017|Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind|0 Comments

UK public support for renewables at massive high

A new UK poll has shown that 80% of the British public support renewable energy. A government sponsored survey found 73% of the public support inshore wind.  It's ironic the Government has an official policy to “halt the spread” of new onshore wind farms, even though this is now one of the cheapest forms of electricity. [...]

By |2017-11-28T19:07:15+00:00November 21st, 2017|Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind|0 Comments
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