Government reports show shocking information on the relative cost of energy:

Technology Price per Mwh Source Public support %
Offshore wind 58 latest CfD price – 2017 79
Standard gas (CCGT) 61 BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report 16 (gas fracking)
Onshore wind 65 BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report  74
Large scale solar 71 BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report  84
Nuclear 93 National Audit Office “Nuclear power in the UK”  38
Flexible gas (OCGT) 160 BEIS Electricity Generation Cost Report

It is astonishing that the government has tied the price of nuclear for 35 years at £93 per Mwh.  The government department (BEIS) predict the cost of large scale solar and onshore wind to fall to £60 per Mwh by 2030 and further by the end of the nuclear contracts in 2055.

Nuclear may be twice the price of other energy sources by the end of the government contracts.